Monday 3 March 2014

Beenden sie bitte ihre geschitche.

                  EARLY MORNING

Hey! This is me.Naryna.ok Before I told you something else can make a story,
please take a deep breath first.1..2..and 3.ok done.I went to school at the early 
morning.Actually that is koko or sports.Hana,Fatin,Waniey and me went to our sports.
It's call ping pong.Suddenly,Biha came and told us to join her to go to her sports because her 
friends did not come.Waniey and I go with her.But we look at Bihah sports club,there
is no her friends.So we back again at open hall.She join us to play the ping pong.But today,
I didn't play it because I feel have something wrong.Ok I think that is just the story that I want to tell.
I should go first.Next time we'll meet again.Bye bye..Assalamualaikum.


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