Tuesday 31 December 2013

Go Without Knowing Anything.


                    The Day Before School

Hye! Now,I'm in a boutique.Today is Wednesday and tomorrow is Thursday!
Tomorrow schools already open! Oh mey....! My school book already buy.But,the thing is make me dizzy is I don't know what class I entry! Oh mey.....! Hana same like me.She don't 
know too.But I hope Hana will same class with me.What I know is the fisrt class in January 
is not the true class.Just for a while and February has a exam.I think after exam teacher will exchange our class according to our perfomance and decision in our paper exam.Huh! I feel scared.I hope the exam is not too hard and I can do.I feel unbelieve after know that tomorrow I'll start back to school.See...My hand start shiver when typing about tomorrow.
I'm anxious to meet Hana,my bestfriend forever. :D So I say a little prayer. Hope my dreams will take me in there.Where the skies are blue to see you once again.Okay I think I should stop here.If I had a sory to tell you,I will find you.See you soon! :)Assalamualaikum.


Sunday 22 December 2013

Never know what had happen.


                            Life like a....???

Assalamualaikum :) Hye! Today I want to talk about life.Why puzzle picture that I choose?
Let me tell you.Life is like a puzzle.There's many secrets that we never know in our life.Cause it happen sudden without we know.If we arrange that puzzle well,it will look beautiful and we smile.I'm too young 
to talk about life because I don't have a plenty experience in my live.But,I'm just wanna to share.
Actually is time to bed.But my eyes still open and don't want to go bed.And suddenly I had an idea to create
a story in my blog.Now I'm listening a song Enchanted by Taylor Swift."This night is sparkling,don't
you let it go.I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home."-Taylor Swift.I think I should stop here and if I
have a story to share I will find you BLOG! heheh..:D ok.goodbye!See you soon! Assalamualaikum. :)

                                                  - Nia -

Monday 9 December 2013

Cotton Candy.It's here! :D


Hello! It's time to feel like a tiger! Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! and now I already scream out.
But, not the real.I don't have a story to tell you.I was bored! :(
2:37 a.m. It's earlier morning.


Thursday 5 December 2013

We had joy.We had fun.

                         After Delete All

   Hai I'm Naryna.But have my friend call me Narnia.Sounds strange right?
But, it's okay if you want call me Narnia. :D Okays! Let's we start the story.
This is the first post after I delete all the post and blog.Now is 3:22 am.It's already
morning.But i'm still wake up.My eyes is stubborn! hahaha.... crazy! :p December 
is a holiday month.Where did you go to holidays for this month? And I'm not going 
anywhere for this month.I wanna meet my bestfriends! Missing the girls:( Hanna,Sarah
and Byha is my friends.Now Sarah are not living here anymore.I'm sad! If you look at 
Byha for now,you must said that Byha are not my friend.Cause she is not close with us.
You must think why,alright? Just ignore.It's a old story and a bad story are happen to my
life.And I don't want that's story happen again anymore! I hate that moments!
Not the whole and I'm 
being a ordinary girl at the school.Prefect? Why i'm not being a prefect? Because I have
are manytime be a prefect.So,I give that chances to other person.If I being prefect,they 
must thinking that I'm a greedy girl and I'm not that girl.Okay, I think is a time to me to 
sleep.Bye bye! See you next time! Assalamualaikum ..:D
*Typing Error*
