Friday 28 March 2014

Owl City & Carly Rae Jepsen - Good Time

Burning Red.


Hye! It's me Naryna.Fire and Burn? Why?It's a secret things.
Rase macam tak ade kene mengena pulak ngn title aku hari ni.
Aku sendiri tak tau why I choose this picture.Yeah..maybe look
beautiful?Lain orang lain pendapat.Do you wanna know something?
I lose my weight! Just 3 kg.But, it still can't make me look thin.Tapi tak payah
lah sampai kurus sngt.Aku tak suke tengok orang yang kurus macam 
tak cukup makan sedangkan mknan ade je.Kalau kurus sngt nnti nampak mcm 
tengkorak.Itu pendapat aku.Sorry kalau buat sape2 terasa aku x berniat pon.
Aku just sampaikan ape yg aku rase je.Tak salah kan?Betul lagi lh ade.

Rambut aku dah panjang.....hahaha..tetibe je.Mesti korang pelik kan?
Rambut panjang je  pon, tak payah lh nk excited sngt.Aku bukannye ape.
My hair ni dah lah lmbt panjang.Kalau potong pendek kene tunggu1-2 tahun
baru panjang betul2.Tapi xde lh pnjg sngt.Sedang2 je.
Aku rase aku dah tak ada topik nk ckp dah.Tak de benda yg menarik pon.
Okay lah Bye2.Assalamualaikum. :D


Human Christina Perri Lyrics

Wednesday 26 March 2014

Bahasa menunjukkan kita siapa sebenarnya. hahaha..poyo!! ^_^

                            Different things.

Hai,Naryna is here! :D Today aku nak buat something different.
Malay language?Yes.Aku kan Malaysian girl so kene lah tulis bahasa
melayu jugak.Tak kan memanjang bahasa inggeris.Kalau selalu bahasa
inggeris boleh pening kepala aku nak fikir ayat yang sesuai dengan ape 
yang aku nk sampaikan.Hmmm..tak taulah nk tulis ape dah.Cite ape ek?
Please,give me any suggestion?Tak de?Hampeh! :D

Hah! I've got something.Mesti korang rasa bosan kan dgn blog aku ni?
Yelah..sesetengah  blog kan ade macam2 iklan kan kt dlm blog?Aku nak 
letak,tapi rasa menyemak pulak.Nanti nampak lagi serabut.Yelah..aku buat
blog ni pon just for fun and nak release tension.Bukannya nak buat menyemak kan 
lagi mata aku dok pandang iklan2 tu.Sorry lah kalau buat korang terasa sbb lain orang
lain pendapatnya.Hmm..okay lah,makin lame aku tulis makin membebel aku nanti.
Bye bye...see you soon. :) Assalamualaikum. :)


Tuesday 25 March 2014

Update blog

                           I'm a blogger

Hye and assalamualaikum! It's me Naryna.Now is 12:00 a.m.
My mom and dad are now watching Nightline News.They talk
about the missing aircraft MH 370.May Allah guide all those 
passengers and the cabin crew.I hope so.The tragedy did not
deter me to be a pilot.I'll do the best for my future.Studies hard making
me feel more spirited.Ok I think I should go first.Bye..Maybe I did not have 
the followers,but it's okay.I don't care because I made this blog
just for fun.Hye,I'm Ainaa Fazrina Abdul Ghafar! I'm a blogger.
Bye.Assalamualaikum. :D


Thursday 13 March 2014


                     SHUT UP! and LISTEN.

Hey! Naryna is here :) Today I want to talk about the things had happened at the school.
Poor Fatin.She is fall from the chair or table.Maybe chair.Do you wanna know who do
that things at Fatin.She is Waniey.How can she do that things?She make me angry at the
maximum level.That's is the terrible things had happen to the girls like us.At the rest time,
Hana,Tasha and me rest together.This is the first feel happy when I'm going to the rest 
with Tasha.No.I don't mean before that I don't like be a friend with Tasha.Before that,I'm
feel awkward when be with her because we don't know each other.But today,I'm feel comfort
with her.So,she pass to be friend with me and Hana already.Now,I want to annouce that I have
a new friend! hehehhe.. :D Okay.The story has ended already.We will meet again.Bye bye...
and Assalamualaikum.


Monday 3 March 2014

Beenden sie bitte ihre geschitche.

                  EARLY MORNING

Hey! This is me.Naryna.ok Before I told you something else can make a story,
please take a deep breath first.1..2..and 3.ok done.I went to school at the early 
morning.Actually that is koko or sports.Hana,Fatin,Waniey and me went to our sports.
It's call ping pong.Suddenly,Biha came and told us to join her to go to her sports because her 
friends did not come.Waniey and I go with her.But we look at Bihah sports club,there
is no her friends.So we back again at open hall.She join us to play the ping pong.But today,
I didn't play it because I feel have something wrong.Ok I think that is just the story that I want to tell.
I should go first.Next time we'll meet again.Bye bye..Assalamualaikum.
